Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Greens Aerification

Healing from aerification typically takes 10 - 14 days. With the cooler than normal temperatures we have had this spring, and the 4'th wettest April on record, recovery is slow. As we all wait for sunny and warmer days, so do the greens. We continue to feed the greens and monitor their progression.
Our summer annual preventative weed and crabgrass applications have been made and the fairways and tees have been fertilized.  You may be asking what are all the flags along the drive coming into the maintenance facility? We are having a new communication cable installed this week. The rainfall of April delayed the installation. The cable will be trenched in right along the gravel road. It will be back filled and flags will be pulled. Greens expansions are growing in nicely. As we continue to work the areas, we ask for your patience with this process.

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