Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keeping busy

The winter months are some of our busiest, but of a much different nature.  
Because this winter has been so mild it has allowed us time to get out on the course getting small projects done such as tree trimming. 

Limbing up pines on 17

Some of the most important work which is done in the winter months is preparing all the equipment for the golf season.  Every piece of equipment is inspected, cleaned, and tuned.  All the reels and bed knifes are ground, ready to cut our fine turf.  

Bedknife grinding  

 Toro Triplex overhaul

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A mild start

This winter has been anything but normal. To date we have received less than 10 inches of snow. The turf has been exposed and overall looks good. Lets hope for an early spring.